To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos - shot by Miriam Scott Albin - from the 2018 Order of LaShe's parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.


Order of LaShe's 2023
OOL 2019
OOL 2024
OOL 2018




To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2022 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

The Order of LaShe's, obviously a ladies' group, was founded in 1989 and held its first ball in 1990. The theme of that ball, according to Mardi Gras historian Emily Hearin, was "Angels Ready to Party," and it was held at the Elks Club on Dauphin Island Parkway.

The members of the LaShe's chose as their emblem The Broadway Show Girl in top hat and tails. Revelers can still see that figure depicted at the front of the group's emblem float.

The LaShe's first paraded in 1992 on the Tuesday before Fat Tuesday.

In 2008, the LaShe's parade made headlines when the front portion of one of the floats caught fire. The fire was put out, much of the covering on the front of the float was pulled off, and the plucky ladies resumed the parade.

This year, OOL will rolled on February 25 at 6:30 p.m. Their theme was LaShe's in Their Celebration Era. The parade included 16 floats, designed by Brent Amacker and built by Craig Stephens's Carnival Artists. Costumes were by D&D Creations of New Orleans.

To see the Mask's exclusive photo album of the 2025 Order of LaShe's parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of that parade, click HERE.

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2017 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

OOL 2025


OOL 2017


To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2023 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2020 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

 Order of LaShe's

OOL 2020

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2019 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.


Order of LaShe's 2022

To see our photo
albums and HD
videos from previous
years, simply scroll
down the page.

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2016 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.

OOL 2016

To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2024 Order of LaShe's parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.