While the Krewe of Mullet Mates is technically a Fairhope group, it does not follow the downtown Fairhope parade route. Instead, it hugs Bon Secour Bay on Baldwin County Highway 1.

The group was formed as a more laid-back parading organization for the folks in the southwest end of Baldwin County. "We are very low-key, and we have very few rules," according to a past president.

And, at last check, dues were only $50 a year.

Various groups within the organization make their own "Joe Cain-style" floats. The first Mullet Mates parade was held in 2001, and from the beginning, they have demonstrated a real sense of humor. These days, the parade draws upwards of 25,000 revelers along the five-mile route.

This year, the Mullet Mates will roll on March 1 at 2 p.m.

The theme will be Silver Anniversary. There will be about 25 units in the parade.

 Krewe of Mullet Mates