Order of Kahos

There’s a new mystic society in Mobile that’s essentially a splinter group from the Conde Explorers.

The group named itself the Order of Kahos. A board member for the organization said the name is pronounced “chaos” but spelled in a, well, chaotic manner “because that’s just a Mardi Gras thing to do, isn’t it?”

And you have to appreciate the oxymoronic juxtaposition of “order” and “chaos” (Kahos).

Founded in January 2024, membership before the end of the year stood at just over 250, the majority of whom were former Conde Explorers members.

The Kahos Board member said he did not want to talk about what led to the split, but he did say that OOK would “carry over some of the same persona from CE. We are a mixed-race, mixed-gender organization.”

When the Conde Explorers was founded in 2004, much was made of the organization’s stated integration.

The Kahos Board member said taking that idea even further through Mardi Gras “is the goal. We think this will be good for the city and good for Mardi Gras.”

Order of Kahos will be parading behind the Order of Inca on the night of February 21 with an impressive 14 floats, all rented from the Order of Polka Dots. Their theme is Seeing is Not Believing.

Check this page later for photos and video of the 2025 parade.