To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2019 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
The Bayport Parading Society is not a mystic or secret organization. It's essentially a place for Mobile-area businesses that wish to parade.
It was created after the Joe Cain Procession became so large that it had to be capped. Non-business-related groups were allowed to stay in the Joe Cain Procession, while Bayport was created for businesses that want to participate.
Bayport falls under the Joe Cain organization umbrella, and Wayne Dean leads the parade dressed as Chief Slacabamarinico, just as he does the Joe Cain Marching Society a couple of weeks later. The first Bayport parade was staged in 2007.
This year, Bayport paraded on February 15 at 2 p.m. A few floats were occupied by Mobile's Challenged Revelers - children and adults from the Mobile Down Syndrome Society, Augusta Evans School, and AltaPointe. The parade had about 15 floats.
To see the Mask's exclusive photo album of the 2025 Bayport parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see the Mask's HD video of that parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2017 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
Bayport Parading Society
To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2020 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from the 2022 Bayport parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see our photo
albums and HD
videos from previous
years, simply scroll
down the page.
To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2018 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2023 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see the Mask's exclusive HD video of the 2024 Bayport parade, click HERE.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from that parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
To see the Mask's exclusive album of photos from the 2016 Bayport parade, place your cursor on the image below and click on the arrows.
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